Virtual Interior Design Consulting for USA’s High-End Homeowners
a regular basis If job control is likewise strong, ads are easier to handle Technology should, on the one hand, lower demand since, after all, its deployment is motivated mostly by the reduction of the labor need. For instance, digital technplexity has to be managed. Furthermore there is proof that technology can make one more productive. In a review of algorithmic management, Parent-Rocheleau and Parker (2021) found, for instance, that these digital methods very often raise work intensity as individuals's work behavior can be much more closely observed SMART design and performanc Above we have presented evidence and theory connecting each area of SMART work design with eat make it SMART; it also improves employee performance and can favorably affect organizational performance as discussed next First, as individual employees and teams in the system are more motivated, they will exert more effort as well as participate in more "extra-role" activities like citizenship and